Monday, June 20, 2005


great fanally

Four days ago I had a baseball game. you can see some pictures of on the tookies blog. There was this horible inning where my glove fell of with the ball in it and hit the runner, Josh who is the catcher threw the ball away from home when there was somone was on third and that's it. At the end of the game it was ten to ten Samuel was up and ...............................he hit a game winning homerun.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


summer vacation!

I just got back from florida. It was awsome! I made sandcastles and went in the ocean. Went swiming in the pool for at least six hours a day. I also played with the knors a lot and went to see the sandcastles there weren't very many this year but oh well. Me and Josh built a huge pyramid and then we built a huge fortified wall around it. you should have seen it. we also just sat around and watched cable TV. of course we had our food. Me, Anna, Ruth, and Drew all got camaras. Anna used her's up realy quick. I took pictures of the ocean, Anna, and of a seahorse that one of the knors found washed up on the beach. It's fun to go to florida. I can't wait to go back.

Sunday, May 08, 2005



on friday I had a baseball game. My first time up I got a home-run. My second time up I hit a double, then a single. my team won. The finnal score was eleven to nine. It was a close game, a awsome one to. someone else in the team got another home-run. I can't wait till I play again.

Monday, April 25, 2005


Grammy and Grammpy

On Friday my grandparents came to my house. When they got here we took turns riding the green machine. Then we went swiming. Me and Drew got to stay at the hotel with them. Then me and Drew went to IHOP to eat. And then we went to the parade. After that we went swiming again. They left right before church. Everyone had a good time at least I think so.

My best friend Russ

My best friend's name is Russ. He is smart, handsome, strong, courageous, brave, assertive, friendly, magnanamous. . .all around just a beautiful person. I wish I could be just like him. In fact, I wish the whole world was made of people just like him. Just a lot of Russ's walking around. "Hi Russ," one would say. "Oh, hello, Russ, I didn't see you there," the other would reply. And so on and so forth, ad infinitum. From now on, please call me Russ. This is the name I wish to be called.
yeah right, russ.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Baseball and camping

Last friday us the Tookies dad and Russ went camping. it was fun. Dad said we could explore. Me and Drew were the only ones who wanted to, but after we told Ruth that we found the river she wanted to go to. Then everyone went to look. Then we found this hill, and we went as far as we could. At one point we could see houses, barns, a lot of trees and a lot of other stuff. It was awsome! But on the way back down I fell and hurt my hand. Thats all for camping. now on to baseball.

Baseball is very fun and exiting. My baseball teams name is the Royals. The players are myself, Zane, Tyler, David, Curtis, Landen, and someone else. And thats all for baseball.

Monday, April 11, 2005


the rainy day cafe

Just recently me, Drew, Ruth, and Anna opened a restrant. And it actualy starts at four twenty-five and ends at six. I already had two costamors. Russ and dad. It is fun running a restaraunt. Me and Ruth switch being waiter and cook. Drew is the runner, and Anna is the host. Russ is finding people for us. It is very fun.

Friday, April 01, 2005



This blog is about what we did on Thursday night. Mom and dad went out on a date together, and me, Ruth, Drew, and Anna had two babysitters. They were John Linsey and Jenifer. Russ, Ruth, Drew, and Anna all watched the incredibles, Jenifer did homework, and me and John linsey played Age of Mytholagy. Me and John linsey wiped out the other teams easaly but then we had to fight each other. He built a wonder and I tried to destroy it but he wiped my first army out then I sent out another army but this one with battering rams. I destroyed the watch towers easely and then got to desroying the wonder. I destroyed it right when it struck zero. Then I destroyed the temple and he only had a few frost giants to gaurd it. that's how I won. I ended up telling everyone about how I did it.

Monday, March 21, 2005



This is about my RUF friends. I have a lot of them. I have about twenty, which is to many to name. But I can mention a few of them. If your not included in it i'm sorry about that. There is Moyni, (who's very good at lifting me and Drew), John linsey, (who is very good at Age Of Mythology), and finally my dad (who is good at knowing the best thing for me), these are some of my RUF friends.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005



This blog is about Haminha. My grandma and grampa live there. They have a huge yard. We had a bonfire on Tuesday. Me and Drew like to play foosball and air hockey against each other. He even beat me once but I was using my left hand. Another thing that happened on Tuesday was me, Drew and mom went looking for cool rocks. Instead, we found a golf ball and a turtle shell. Me and Drew also like wrestling in the hot tub. I always have fun at my grandparents' house.

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